1 / 19
?What size t-shirts do you typically wear?
What size t-shirts do you typically wear?
crease cuts uses this answer as a starting point to determine the size of your chest, shoulders and torso. This is the only question that you cannot skip.
Yes, we know different brands fit differently, or that many people are in-between sizes. Please choose the answer that first comes to mind. Don�t over-think it too much, crease cuts will use all of your other answers to further refine your fit.
2 / 19
?How tall are you?
How tall are you?
This answer helps us predict your optimal sleeve and shirt length. In some cases the answer to this question can be used to better predict other shirt dimensions as well.
3 / 19
?How much do you weigh?
How much do you weigh?
Your weight, combined with the other answers, helps crease cuts better predict the optimal collar and torso measurements of your shirt.
5 / 19
?What is your suit jacket size (if you know it)?
What is your suit jacket size (if you know it)?
Not everyone knows this, so don�t feel obligated to answer this question. In some cases, knowing your suit jacket size can help crease cuts better predict the optimal shoulder or chest width of your shirt.
6 / 19
?What is the waist size of your pants?
What is the waist size of your pants?
The waist size of your pants helps crease cuts better predict the optimal midsection width of your shirt. In some cases your answer to this question can be used to better predict other shirt dimensions as well.
7 / 19
?Which best describes your midsection?
Which best describes your midsection?
Understanding how your midsection is shaped helps us better predict the optimal midsection width of your shirt. In some cases your answer to this question can be used to better predict other shirt dimensions as well.
8 / 19
?What is your collar size (if you know it)?
What is your collar size (if you know it)?
If you know your collar size with confidence, specify it here and crease cuts will not try to predict a collar size for you. Otherwise crease cuts will predict the optimal collar size for you based on your other answers.
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?What is your sleeve length (if you know it)?
What is your sleeve length (if you know it)?
If you know your sleeve length with confidence, specify it here and crease cuts will not try to predict a sleeve length for you. Otherwise crease cuts will predict the optimal sleeve length for you based on your other answers.
10 / 19
?Do you tuck your dress shirts in?
Do you tuck your dress shirts in?
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts predict your optimal shirt length.
11 / 19
?How slim do you like your dress shirts to fit?
How slim do you like your dress shirts to fit?
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts better predict the optimal torso and sleeve widths for your shirt.
12 / 19
?What's your occupation?
What's your occupation?
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts better predict the optimal torso and sleeve widths for your shirt.
13 / 19
?How would you describe your shoulders?
How would you describe your shoulders?
Understanding how your shoulder is shaped helps us better predict the optimal shoulder width of your shirt. In some cases your answer to this question can be used to better predict other shirt dimensions as well.
14 / 19
?Do you prefer a spread collar, cutaway collar, or enjoy wearing both?
Do you prefer a spread collar, cutaway collar, or enjoy wearing both?
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts better predict the optimal torso and sleeve widths for your shirt.
15 / 19
?Do you prefer a 2-button cuff, french cuff, or enjoy wearing both?
Do you prefer a 2-button cuff, french cuff, or enjoy wearing both?
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts better predict the optimal torso and sleeve widths for your shirt.
16 / 19
?Do you wear a watch? If so, on which arm?
Do you wear a watch? If so, on which arm?
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts better predict the optimal torso and sleeve widths for your shirt.
17 / 19
?Do you want a monogram on your Left Cuff? If so, please type your initials?
Do you want a monogram on your Left Cuff? If so, please type your initials?
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts better predict the optimal torso and sleeve widths for your shirt.
18 / 19
?What are your favourite colours?
what colour you like the most
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts better predict the optimal torso and sleeve colors for your shirt.
19 / 19
?Do you like striped shirts, check shirts, or you enjoy wearing both?
Do you like striped shirts, check shirts, or you enjoywearing both?
Your answer to this question helps crease-cuts better predict the optimal torso and sleeve widths for your shirt.
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Your Calculated Crease Cuts Shirt Dimensionss